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Types Of Poker Player You Can Encounter Online

As you play poker online at mild88, you may encounter a lot of amateurs and aggressive players. This is a good news for you especially if you know your game. You can easily distinguish their approaches about the game which allows you to control the game in every round. As you identified each of your opponents’ strategies, you can easily determine when to fold or to bet.

Tight Passive


  • Tight passive is also known as the Rock. The rock players only play few hands and rarely bets raise. You can simply determine whether he has a good hand or not. If the cards he is holding are low, it is no longer a surprise that he will hit the fold button immediately.


  • However, if it seems that he has a good hand, like double, he may keep on betting until the river is shown. Tight passive players are the ones who think about reducing the losing odds. If the table got many aggressive players, the rock can make full advantage of them.


Loose Passive


  • The loose passive plays a lot of starting hands. He may begin calling the round because he is waiting for the flop. Now, as soon as the flop is shown and it seems like his cards are pretty weak, he may hit the fold button. The loose passive is also known as the calling station. He rarely bets or raises and if the flop seems to be at his favor, he will keep on going.


Tight Aggressive


  • These are the ones who bet and raise the pot frequently but only a small amount of chips. Keep in mind that this type of poker player aims to confuse his opponents. But, tight aggressive is easily readable as he will stop betting or bluffing if the stake is high.


 Loose Aggressive


  • It is often the most used strategy by poker players who are in the tournament. Frequently raise and bets, but will never or rarely call a bet. If you know that you are a good player, then you can simply determine if this is a loose aggressive player because they usually bet before the flop and fold afterward.

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